Subscription Boxes - Terms & Conditions

Your subscription begins upon completing the payment process, with the monthly fee charged immediately and recurring each month on the same date.

Are you traveling, or not able to receive your box for other reasons? Send me an email and delay your shipment up to 3 weeks. You can also choose to send your monthly box to another address, maybe you want to gift one box to a friend? Just ensure your shipping address is correct and updated at latest on the 25th in the month before shipment.

You may cancel your subscription anytime, but to avoid charges for the upcoming month, cancel at least 10 days before your billing date.

You can manage your subscription here >>


All sales are final. We do not offer refunds, substitutions or exchanges, but will assist with any damaged or defective items reported within 7 days of receipt.

We use Stripe to manage subscription payments securely and efficiently. When you subscribe, your payment details are securely processed and stored by Stripe. Stripe ensures that all recurring payments are processed according to the billing cycle, and invoices are generated for each transaction. By subscribing, you consent to Stripe handling your payment information in compliance with PCI DSS standards, ensuring the highest level of payment security. For more details on how Stripe manages payments, please visit their website.

We respect your privacy as outlined in our Privacy Policy. Terms and conditions may be updated without prior notice, with continued subscription constituting acceptance of the revised terms. Mitzie Mee and its affiliates are not liable for any damages from product use, and subscribers agree to indemnify us against any related claims.

Subscription Boxes