// I received this package as a gift from Lakrids by Johan Bülow without asking for it. There was no requirement for me to blog about it //
In the beginning of November, I received an email telling me that Santa was on his way and that he had something for me from Lakrids by Johan Bülow. Though Santa didn’t make it all the way to Dubai. Instead he stopped by my parents’ place in Denmark and dropped the present, so when I came to visit, there was a nice gift waiting for me with lots of delicious licorice to try out, including this year’s Christmas specials.
In Denmark, we love licorice, and Lakrids by Johan Bülow is pretty much as good as it gets. They make a wide range of gourmet licorice and chocolate-covered licorice bites, and except for the chili-flavored licorice, I’m a huge fan of everything Lakrids. My mom is an even bigger Lakrids fan than I am, so I was surprised to see that she has left most of it untouched. Turned out that immediately after receiving the parcel, she had placed it in the guestroom and closed the door properly, in order not to go licorice crazy and eat up everything.
When I visited Rikke last month, I stopped by Magasin to pick up some licorice for her as a present. In the store, they were offering samples of the Christmas flavors, so I was already familiar with the flavors in the package. The bronze-colored, chocolate-covered licorice with salty caramel is my favorite. I’ll even say it’s the best flavor Johan Bülow has ever come up with. In fact, it’s almost (but only almost) as good as my own homemade combo of No.2 Salty Liquorice from Johan Bülow and the dark blue Nama Chocolate from the Japanese brand Royce. I wish Royce and Johan Bülow would consider working together on something like that in the future, because the Nama chocolate and salty Lakrids are just perfect together.