//Sponsored post – In collaboration with Hamburg Tourism //
Do you remember my trip to Hamburg with Hamburg Tourism? It’s been quite a while ago, but I just realized that there are still a bunch of things I want to blog about. One of them is the hotel, 25hours in Hafencity, where I stayed during my short visit.
My room was urban hip with plenty of maritime details such as a porthole-shaped holder for toilet paper and magazines. The room was equipped with black-out curtains, which is a really nice feature that allows you to sleep your way through your jetlag. Not that I was very jetlagged during my stay (I flew in from Copenhagen), but I always sleep better, when it’s completely dark in the room.
The hotel restaurant Heimat served a really delicious full German breakfast with freshly squeezed juice and all sorts of tempting German specialties. I started the day with a pretzel each morning, along with smoked salmon and scrambled eggs.
There was this nice, elevated booth right at the window, but it was occupied when I came down for breakfast on Saturday morning. The morning after, I was up very early to visit the fish market, and when I got back to the hotel, the empty booth waiting for me, yay!
From 25hours Hotel, I could choose between two options to get to the city center: I could either take the U-Bahn from Überseequartier station, which was just across the street, or I could walk through Speicherstadt and be in front of the Rathaus (City Hall) within 15 minutes. At daytime I chose to walk, but after dark, I preferred to take the U-Bahn as Speciherstadt was a bit creepy at night.
Hafencity is an up-and-coming area in Hamburg and the area still had a touch of construction site to it, but just give it a year or three, and I’m sure HafenCity will be the place to stay.
/ I was invited to Hamburg by Hamburg Tourism. They paid for my accommodation and my air ticket from Copenhagen, and I also received monetary compensation for going on the trip. However, the invitation didn’t come with any requirements regarding blog posts or social media coverage, and except for a few scheduled items (welcome lunch and dinner, a guided tour in Speicherstadt/HafenCity and a visit to a coffee museum), I made my own itinerary.
25hours Hotel Hamburg Hafencity, Überseeallee 5, 20457 Hamburg