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NYC: Hot Chocolate at Woops!

Woops, cafe, New York

I was meeting Vanessa for hot chocolate at Woops, but she was subway late, so I went inside to get us a table. I’ve almost learned to curb my food photography OCD, but I still get occasional relapses. Such as the other day at Woops. Is anybody watching? No. Ok, let’s go! The camera went out and macarons, flowers and hot chocolate were moved around, just like in the good old food blogger days. Gosh, it felt good!

So when Vanessa arrived I was all done, and both camera and phone were stowed away. No hints of the photo shoot which had just taken place, except for the fact that I hadn’t touched my not-so-hot chocolate and both canelé and macarons were still intact.

When I’m at a cafe, I would usually just order a latte or a cappuccino, because hot chocolate can be a hit or a miss. I’ve had those horrible, powdered ones even at nice places, but the hot chocolate at Woops was very good. It was made from real chocolate (the way hot chocolate is supposed to be), so you had to stir it for a while to mix the chocolate and the milk.

The macarons at Woops were of the coarser, chewier type which I prefer, and especially the one with cookies and cream made my day. Cookies and cream, dressed like a macaron. Can’t go wrong with that.

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