Have you tried quail eggs? These adorable little eggs are a common Cambodian snack and they come in two different types; hard boiled and balut. I like them both ways, so I recommend you experience both and who knows? It might be your new favorite snack.
The eggs are available across the city, and the vendors usually carry the eggs in a big basket. It is a great snack to munch on, and it is inexpensive too. 10 eggs are usually only around 3500 riels, which is less than $1.
Regarding the hard boiled quail eggs, they are just as they sound – hard boiled eggs. The quail eggs are smaller in size compared to regular chicken eggs, and the shell is somewhat softer and with brown spots. The flavor of hard boiled quailed eggs are quite similar so regular eggs, but balut quail eggs, on the other hand, are rather different…:)
Balut eggs are fertilized quail egg that has been incubated for several days. The result is a partially developed embryo that is cooked and eaten directly from the shell. Don’t be intimidated by the idea of eating a partially developed embryo – it is actually a very tasty and highly sought after snack. The texture is soft and creamy, and the flavor is like a regular egg but with a touch of chicken.
The best way to enjoy balut eggs is to dip them into a mixture of pepper and salt, drizzled with lime juice. This enhances the flavor and gives it a rich, tangy taste that will leave you wanting more. Whether you prefer hard boiled or balut quail eggs, both are delicious and are a must-try for anyone looking to try something new and unique.