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RevitaLash – An eyelash serum that works! (just ask my mom)

RevitaLash Advanced Eyelash Conditioner, review

After wearing lash extensions for almost a year non-stop, my lashes had started thinning. My golf friend Charlotte, suggested that I tried RevitaLash, so when I was in Copenhagen about a year ago, I therefore went to visit her beauty salon, Klinik Skou, to buy the lash serum.

I then went to visit my parents in Fredericia, but when it was time to go back to Dubai, I forgot to bring the eyelash serum with me. 

I had forgotten everything about RevitaLash until last time I went to Denmark, and my mom told me that she had started using it. And what a difference! My mom’s lashes have always been sparse and almost white, and as she is getting older, she has lost most of them. Though after she has started using that serum, her lashes are now darker and thicker than ever. 

I wish I could show you a “before” photo, but I can’t, as my mom snatched my lash serum and started using it without my knowledge. Though I took a photo of her lashes as they look now, and if she continues using the serum, I can take another photo in a few months and we can see if the lashes have grown even longer and thicker. 

I bought RevitaLash Advanced Eyelash Conditioner at Charlotte’s Klinik Skou, but you can get it at many places. RevitaLash was developed by Dr. Michael Brinkenhoff, who wanted to help her wife feel beautiful while she was fighting breast cancer. You can read the entire story on the RevitaLash website

Mitzie Mee - Sanne

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