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Zurich: Breakfast at Kafischnaps

Kafischnaps Zurich

On my second day in Zurich I took breakfast a little more serious and after some online research, I decided to check out Kafischnaps. The café was quite a walk from the hotel, but the weather was nice, so I didn’t mind.

Kafischnaps was almost empty, when I arrived, but it was Monday morning so I guess most people were at work. The place was really cool, and the woman behind the counter also seemed cool in this effortless Natural Born Hipster kind of way, which sometimes makes me feel a little awkward, because I’m everything else than hipster cool, even if I try. I think she found me a bit strange. I don’t think it’s common for people in Zurich to take photos of their food.

Speaking of the food, I had the Kafi Riche set, which consisted of egg, cheese, jam, smoked salmon, different kinds of cold cuts and, of course, Birchermüesli. I didn’t eat the cheese, because I’m still not at a stage where I can eat cheese that tastes too much like cheese, but everything else, I finished and it was all very tasty. I later read on their website, that they’re smoking the salmon in-house, which I think is great. I also read that the meat served at Kafischnaps is all Swiss, but to be honest, I would have been surprised if this hadn’t been the case. The café seems to put big emphasis on good quality products and according to the Swiss, you’ll find some of the world’s best meat/fruit/vegetables in Switzerland. I’m more and more inclined to agree on that.

Kafischnaps, Kornhausstrasse 57, Zurich, Tel: +41 43 538 81 16

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