We were on our way to the bar at Hyatt, but the Uber driver convinced us to check out Tao’s instead. In fact, he could need a break too, so he would join us..! Now that was a bit weird, but it turned out he was meeting up with some friends at Tao’s so it never got so awkward, as it could have been.
While waiting for Icon, the nightclub at Tao’s, to open, we had Moët in the smokers’ lounge. I would have preferred a non-smoking place, but apparently, the smokers’ lounge was the place to be. We paid for it the following day when our hair and clothes smelled like cigarettes and alcohol.
Icon looked like any other upscale nightclub, but the clientele was a fun mix of nice people from all over the world. Icon somehow reminded me of a slightly upgraded, international version, of the discos in the small town, where I grew up in Denmark, but I’m rather sure it wasn’t their intention..
I got back to the hotel before AC and Myrvete, who did a pit stop at McDonald’s. I had forgotten which room we were in, so I called AC and asked. 219 she said, so I took the elevator to the second floor, put in the key card and…red light. The door didn’t open. After a few more tries, I gave up and went back to the reception to make them re-code my card. They asked which room I was in, and I gave them the number. A few minutes later, I was on my way up with a working key card. 219, key card in and….there’s a woman in the room! I realized, that AC must have given me the wrong room number, so I apologized with all of my heart, before I quickly left the room. Another call to AC, who now remembered that we were on the 3rd floor. Back to the reception to get my key card coded again and finally, finally, I could go to bed.
Tao’s, Augustinergasse 3, Zurich