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About Weavers Project

Weavers Project in Takeo, Cambodia

Weavers Project was founded by Sonas and the Meas family with the purpose of creating sustainable, economic, growth in rural communities in Cambodia. Cambodia has a strong tradition of weaving, but it is a dying craft due to the competition from cheaper, factory-made fabric as well as the declining interest among the young generation in learning the skills of weaving.

Weavers Project is looking to change that. By providing training in weaving, they do not only offer a source of income to people in rural communities, but also a hope for a brighter future for the weavers and their families. The weavers are included in the entire process from the design of the items and dyeing of the yarn, to the final product, and this inclusion sparks professional pride, empowerment, and motivation, which shows in the beautiful patterns and color combinations that are truly unique for Weavers Project. The weavers continuously work on mastering new techniques, and they have come up with their own take on Japanese saori weaving, or pull-thread, which has grown to be one of the signature weaves from Weavers Project.

The first of the so-called fashion-abled villages is located in Takeo, but in the future, we will see many more fashion-abled villages throughout Cambodia, enabling change makers to make change.

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