Ubud is such a great place and I’m so happy that I went here. To my surprise the city is full of nice cafes and everything is incredibly cheap. I’m staying at a hotel on the outskirts of the city, near Monkey Forest and Yoga Barn, which is where I’ve purchased yoga lessons.
This morning I found the cutest little cafe, Cafe du Monyet, where I decided to have breakfast. The cafe was open in the back, so my table had an unobstructed view of the rice fields. Unfortunately, the neighbors were in the middle of cleaning a giant pipe right next to the restaurant, so there was a terrible noise while I was there. Luckily you can’t hear that in the pictures below:)
Monkey Forest is a little further down the road from the café, and it is one of Ubud’s main attractions. I had planned to visit the forest tomorrow, but today I walked past the edge of it on my way to a massage treatment. It turned out the monkeys were also hanging out along the road, which runs outside the woods. They were really naughty and I saw how one of them stole a bin full of what he probably thought was monkey food. Now I’m therefore having second thoughts about visiting that forest, because the monkeys are so used to humans that they’ll come very close, and from what I’ve read, some of them can be quite aggressive. Edit: On Monkey Forest’s website they write that there haven’t been verified cases of rabies among the monkeys in Bali. Rabies has also been reported in the monkey population, so if they bite you, you’ll need a rabies vaccination immediately after.
I was bitten by a stray dog in Phuket a couple of years ago, and I spent the night before Christmas in the waiting room at a hospital in Singapore. Not a lot of fun and definitely nothing I want to expose myself to again, but what to do? Because those monkeys sure look great on photos..