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My parents’ dog Bølle – One year older

Danish Swedish Farmdog Bølle, the cutest dog on earth

Do you remember Bølle? My parents’ puppy and the cutest dog on earth? He’s still adorable, even though he’s no longer a puppy, but a grown-up dog weighing 8 kilos. He is such a clever dog, and I’m always amazed by how much he seems to understand.

Bølle loves to play, and he has come up with his own little game, which goes like this: Bølle hides his bone. Bølle goes and fetches the humans. Bølle barks of the humans until they find his hidden bone. If it takes too long, he gets impatient and he’ll go and find the bone himself and then start all over again.

When my sister and I are sleeping over at my parents’ place, he can be such a pain. At 6 am he’ll wake up, only to jump up in our beds and bark until we wake up too. When he’s sure that we’re awake, he’ll go back to sleep in his dog bed. So annoying! He’s lucky that he’s so sweet, it’s impossible to be mad at him.

About a year ago, I took a bunch of photos of him lying on the couch with his favorite pillow. He was only a couple of months old back then, and so cute that it hurts. When I was visiting my parents a while ago, I therefore thought it would be fun to take some photos of the  1 year older Bølle in the same settings.

> You can see the old photos of Bølle as a puppy here

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