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London: Sketch on a Wednesday

The restroom eggs at Sketch, fun bar in London

If you think London’s nightlife is nothing but dark pubs and Pimms in pitchers, you’re terribly wrong. Not convinced? Visit Sketch on Conduit Street.

Sketch consists of several different rooms, each with its own theme, and the place is a well-established hangout among the London in-crowd. Sketch also houses one of London’s best restaurants in the Lecture Room.

AC and I visited Sketch Wednesday evening and decided to go to the ladies room before we sat down and ordered drinks, but I could’ve stayed there all night, because the toilets were so supercool!! Tranquil, bird-chirping music was flowing from the giant white eggs and soft pink light shrouded the room and made us feel like if we were in a science fiction movie. AC and I were, however, most intrigued by the strange, curved mirror over the sink, which made any efforts to touch up our make-up impossible, but provided some really funny photo opportunities.

My London Blog

Sketch, 9 Conduit St, Mayfair, London

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