Yesterday I met with my old friend Ehsan. We went to university together in Sweden and afterwards, he got a job in New York City, so I don’t see him very often. He has this fondness of odd, non-mainstream places, such as that 100-year-old cupcake café we went to the other day.
Forget all about Magnolia Bakery, the place we went to was more what you would expect the Mad Hatter to create in a bout of insanity. Anyway, Ehsan also likes good food, and it was him, who introduced me to what later became two of my favorite spots in the city; The Modern at MoMA and the Japanese wagashi (sweets) store, Minamoto Kitchoan, believe it or not.
Ehsan has a super nice condo in Silver Towers in Hells Kitchen. From the rooftop terrace you have a great view of the city, so after the cupcake cafe, we went up to the roof deck to take some photos.
Later on, Ehsan suggested that we went to a screening of a Turkish movie, which he was eager to see. On our way from his apartment to the movie, we passed by the Wyndham New Yorker hotel. It is almost 100 years old and had its heydays in the 1940s and 1950s, but Ehsan told me that the hotel was probably mostly known for the fact that the scientist Nikola Tesla spent the last 10 years of his life in suite 3327, more or less secluded from the outside world, and rumor has it that he was working on secret inventions.
After the movie I hurried back to Brooklyn, where Tina had cooked the most amazing meal with wild salmon and different kinds of salads. She has even made coconut flan for dessert, and it was so good, that I ended up eating too much and went straight into food-coma, fell asleep and didn’t wake up until now, 12 hours later.