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NYC: Macy’s Christmas Windows

The Christmas windows at Macy's, Herald Square, New York City

The other day, I walked by Macy’s on Herald Square just in time to catch the unveiling of the Christmas windows for 2017. It’s a rather big thing in NYC, but since I’m so bad at looking up the timings for events like that in advance, it was my first time to experience the unveiling.

It was supposed to start at 5:30pm, but they were running a few minutes late, which a couple of impatient kids up front didn’t hesitate to point out. Though it was quickly forgotten, when the show started and multi-colored fireworks lit up Herald Square.

The window decorations were nice, and as it started snowing paper snow, it was hard not to get into the spirit of Christmas, at least for a while. This year’s theme for Macy’s Christmas windows is “The Perfect Gift Brings People Together”, and the more cynical ones would probably say that it’s just another reminder that Christmas today is all about consumption. They’re probably right, but I don’t care. Christmas will always be my favorite holiday, and I’m looking forward to another round of gingerbread, mulled wine and “Last Christmas” on the radio.

Read my blog post about Christmas decorations in New York >>

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