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Phnom Penh: Farm to Table – Always in season

Farm to Table Restaurant in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Farm to Table is one of my favorite restaurants in Phnom Penh. The vegetables used in their cooking are either homegrown or sourced locally, and the menu reflects what is in season. They also have a very good selection of vegan and vegetarian food, which can otherwise be hard to find in Phnom Penh.

Last week we were four girls who had arranged to meet for dinner at Farm to Table, but each and everyone of us had either ongoing food poisoning or were just recovering, so we decided to cancel and find another day.

Yesterday, the two of us felt well enough to give it a try again. My appetite was back, so I wanted to order everything on the menu but ended up having a jackfruit sandwich and sweet potato skins. The sandwich was good, and the bread was no doubt home baked, but the sweet potato skins were more like potato mash and the sour cream and cheddar did not really work out. I regret that I did not order the vegetarian Green Bowl instead, which you can see in photos of this blog post. I had it the other day for lunch and it was crispy and delicious.

Many people confuse jackfruit with durian as they are both big, spiky fruits, but while jackfruit is sweet and mild, durian has a terrible smell and taste. Farm to Table have their own garden and also a couple of big jackfruit trees. I noticed the trees last time I was there, but since I had never seen a jackfruit tree before, I thought that the fruits were just decoration, because the stems look like strings, don’t you think?

Farm to Table, #16 Street 360, BKK 1, Phnom Penh

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Phnom Penh

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