Recipe: Chia pudding with coconut milk

Chia Pudding - Recipe

My first attempt to make chia pudding was a couple of years back, and it was a big failure. With only two ingredients, you probably wonder how it’s possible to mess it up? Well try adding quinoa instead of chia…

My second attempt turned out so much better. Before bedtime last night, I prepared a bowl with coconut milk and chia seeds and placed it in the fridge. I went to brush my teeth, clean my face and put on some night cream, before going back to the fridge to stir around the pudding one last time. Then I went to bed, slept for 8 hours, woke up and ran to the fridge, eager to see what had happened overnight. Yay! Chia pudding! In my fridge!


The full fat coconut milk makes the texture very creamy, almost like Greek yogurt, but if you want a lighter option, use light coconut milk.

I made another batch with almond milk over lunch, and it also works, but tastes a bit meh. Maybe a few drops of vanilla essence would help?

I like my chia pudding with passion fruit and fresh raspberries, but the possibilities are endless, so go for whatever topping you feel like. I sweeten the chia pudding with honey.

Recipe: Chia pudding with coconut milk

Recipe by Mitzie Mee – Sanne
Course: Breakfast



I like my chia pudding with passion fruit and fresh raspberries, but the possibilities are endless, so go for whatever topping you feel like. I sweeten the chia pudding with honey.

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  • ¼ cup (0.6 dl) chia seeds

  • 1 cup (2.5 dl) full fat coconut milk (the canned one. Same as you use for making Thai curries)

  • Honey


  • Mix the chia seeds and the coconut milk in a bowl and leave overnight (or for a couple of hours) in the fridge.
  • Serve in a glass with fresh raspberries and passion fruit. Sprinkle with honey.

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