Although I usually find the Danish autumn weather very depressing, and try to hibernate my way through most of this season, today has actually been a really beautiful day. I therefore decided to take a walk up to the library and borrow some books. Not a major achievement, you might say, but it actually took quite an effort to drag my cold-detesting corpus outside.
Though, it turned out it wasn’t that bad. In fact, it was almost nice. I walked through the gardens around the Royal Agricultural University, which, in the summer months, is one of my favorite spots in Copenhagen. The gardens still looked gorgeous here in November with orange-colored leaves on the trees and quacking ducks in the pond.
At the library, I found a nice selection of crime novels. I usually avoid borrowing books from the library, since I always forget to return them again. All the fines and extra fees I have to pay for returning the books late adds up, and it it would probably be cheaper for me to buy my own paperback versions instead. It’s not that I do not finish the books in time. I’ve always been an avid reader, but I’ve never managed to acquire the skills of enjoying a book in small chunks. When I first start reading a book, I don’t let go of my “prey” and it rarely takes me more than a few days to consume an average, 400-page novel. Then I put the book aside and forget all about it until I get an email notifying me that I’ve got fined for returning the book too late.