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Kenya: Gilani’s – A supermarket restaurant in Nakuru

Gilani's, a supermarket restaurant in Nakuru

I visited Kenya back in 2012 and this is a post from my old blog

One of the nicest restaurant in Nakuru is the supermarket restaurant Gilani’s. Located one stair up at the supermarket bearing the same name, Gilani’s turned out to be a great place for dinner. Most items on the menu was 200KES (2.5USD) or less, and the restaurant had some of Nakuru’s nicest and cleanest restrooms. We immediately fell in love with this unusual place.

The other guests in the restaurant were mostly local, so my Asian looks and Kristin’s blonde hair caused quite a stir. A little boy at the neighboring table got so scared distracted, he almost forgot about eating his food:)

The food at Gilani’s is typical Kenyan fare and a bit to the heavy side, but we were very hungry after a long day at Nakuru National Park, so this was just what we needed. I really liked Gilani’s fries and the different kinds of dip they came with, but the strawberry milkshake was also nice. We chose a table next to one of the windows so we could enjoy the rather kitschy, but very original, view of the supermarket aisles.

Gilanis Supermarket Building, Club Rd, Nakuru, Kenya

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