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Food in Japan – Hamamatsu Unagi Pie (eel pie)

Unagi pie, eel pie, Hamamatsu, Japan

When Rieko as visiting in Dubai, she brought me lots of nice presents from Japan. Among the most memorable ones were the Baby Foot kit (we didn’t have that in Dubai back then), the black Q-tips and og course the box with unagi pie (eel pie). The pies, which is actually more like a biscuit, are a local delicacy from Rieko’s hometown Hamamatsu. They’re made with powdered, dried eel, and the ones I received had brandy added.

The texture was light and crispy, and the flavor was sweet and aromatic. I couldn’t really taste the eel, which I think is a good thing, because an eel-flavored cookie would just be too weird. Just knowing that dried eel had been added to the dough was enough to make me proceed with caution.

The eels from Lake Hamana in Hamamatsu are considered the very best and most delicious in the country, but I have no idea how they came up with the eel pie concept.

If you’re visiting Hamamatsu, you can join one of the guides tours at the eel pie factory for free. Maybe they can tell you the story behind (and you can then tell it to me)? I’m sure they have samples too:)


> Visit the Unagi Pie Factory’s website




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