I think I’ve found the perfect sour gummies! The Sour Wild Strawberry Fish are from a brand called Bon Bon NYC. For a long time I have been considering whether or not to add the sour fish to my shop, because even though they are gluten-free and vegan, and made with natural colors, they aren’t particularly healthy and did not really fit the profile of my shop. And candy? That’s a completely new segment to me.
Good taste always wins, so I decided to give it a try, figuring I could always eat up all the gummies myself, if they did not sell. Though for the last couple of weeks, this has been one of the most popular product in my shop, so apparently, I am not the only Sour Wild Strawberry Fish fan out there.
Here’s what I really love about the Sour Wild Strawberry Fish:
They have just the right size. Big enough so you only need one to chew on at a time. The texture is soft and chewy at the same time, just as I prefer my gummies to be.
The sweet-sour balance is just right. Some sour fish are so sour it feels like they are eating into your teeth enamel with every bite, but this isn’t the case for these ones. They sourness also doesn’t get too dominating, so you can also enjoy the flavor of wild strawberries and raspberries.
Considering that the Sour Wild Strawberry Fish are gourmet gummies, the 5.2oz package size is rather generous. The bags I have been counting have each had 19 pieces, so forget about eating all at once.