Even though I spend most of my time on my MacBook, a good, old-fashioned notebook is still an essential tool for me, when it comes to organizing my thoughts and quickly jotting down new ideas, which can later be turned into more formalized, digital game plans.
For me, taking notes on my phone or my MacBook works best, when I already know what I will be writing. I think with my pen, and I find notebooks particularly useful for those half-baked, fragmented ideas that start as vague, thoughts at the back of my head and slowly come to life, as handwritten notes.
When I travel I also bring my notebook along, so I can sit down at a nice cafe, and write down my thoughts and impressions undisturbed, without the plings and notifications that will show up the moment I open my phone.
I also keep a notebook on my bedside table, in case an idea pops up in the middle of the night. I’m very disciplined, when it comes to sleep, and after bedtime, I try not to look at my phone at all. I usually don’t have troubles falling asleep, but the few times it happens, I’ve found that offloading any thoughts or worries to the notebook, is a great way to clear my mind and fall asleep.
A notebook is such a great tool when it comes to capturing your thoughts, tracking your progress, and eventually achieving your goals, and if you don’t already have a notebook, I can highly recommend getting one.