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Copenhagen: Brunch at 8tallet

Last Thursday I met with Lise and Michael for brunch. They were so kind to come and pick me up at the Central Station, and from there, we drove out to Amager and 8tallet.  

8tallet is a spectacular building, located right at the border to Kalvebod Fælled, which is a big natural resort on the island of Amager, just outside the city. The building is designed by the Danish Architect group Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) and the design has won several prizes internationally. In the building, there’s also a restaurant, 8tallet Restaurant & Café, which is probably more known for the location than for the food, but the brunch out there is really nice.

In Copenhagen, many restaurants serve build-your-own-style brunch. You typically choose 4-6 items from a menu of small plates, and it’s a great opportunity to try a lot of different food. Furthermore, you avoid the usual brunch dilemma of choosing between sweet and savory: You can both have your scrambled eggs and a stack of pancakes without running out of appetite.

The menu at 8tallet was quite conventional with no big surprises, though the pickled red onions seemed to be an overall theme. It first appeared with the serrano ham, and later with the sausages and the smashed avocado, but luckily, there were no red onions on my yogurt with granola.

The food was tasty, and time went fast, so before we knew, it was time to go to the airport. I just made it to the check-in counter 5 minutes before they closed. Phew! After landing in Dubai, my phone was full of new text messages. Turned out that a Danish news channel had been broadcasting from the airport that day, doing a feature about the Airbus 380, and guess who was featured, running through the airport? 🙂

8tallet, Richard Mortensensvej 81A, 2300 Copenhagen S, Tel: +45-32 62 86 28

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