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Copenhagen: Café Norden – Modern Danish food

Café Norden, Strøget, Copenhagen

Before I went to Oslo I finally had the pleasure of meeting Angela from Pinay Skattebasse. We’ve been reading each other’s blogs for a while, and since we’re both in Copenhagen these days, we’ve been talking about meeting up for a long time, but we’re both very busy, so it was a challenge to find a day that worked out for both of us.

We met at Café Norden which is located right in the sweet spot next to Storkespringvandet (the Stork Fountain) on Strøget. I had a salmon/beef tartare combo which came with toasted Danish rye bread. It tasted great, and looked very Instagram friendly and the serving would have been large enough for us both, but Angela had her own giant portion of nachos. Even after she had been digging into that bowl for an hour, it still looked full.

I’m no longer on a student budget or whether I’ve grown accustomed to the exorbitant price level in Dubai, but Café Norden didn’t feel like a rip-off at all. The only thing I didn’t get was that you had to go to the counter McDonalds’s-style to place your order. A bit confusing and quite a shame, when the settings, the food and the price level just scream table service.

Blogging can be a very lonely business, because contrary to what people think, you spend a lot of time in front of the computer. I have certain days where I don’t even get out, but sit for 10 hours straight in front of the screen, fixing design bugs or adding content. Meeting fellow bloggers who understands why you’re doing what you do is very motivating and inspiring, especially when you, as in Angela’s and my case, not only have the blogging in common but share a lot of other interests.

My Copenhagen Blog

Café Norden, Østergade 61, Copenhagen

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