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Danish birthday cake (kagekone/kagemand)

Danish birthday cake, kagekone/kagemand

Yesterday was my birthday and my family got me a kagekone (cake woman) from the local bakery shop. In Denmark, you are often served kagekone or kagemand (cake man) at children’s birthday parties. The kagekone is decorated with sugar frosting and candy, so it has eyes, nose, mouth and hair. Usually, the head has the most candy, making it the most popular part.

First, the kagekone/kagemand is decapitated, and while the knife cuts through the cake neck, everybody at the party is supposed to scream out as loud as possible. I remember that as the big highlight at my childhood’s birthday parties, but now when I think about it, it sounds rather bizarre:)

My cake woman yesterday was made of vandbakkelse, which is a kind of choux pastry, but you can kagekone/kagemand with any kind of pastry or cake, as long as there is candy on top.

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