Danish Swedish Farmdog Bølles First Snow

Danish Swedish Farmdog Bølle, puppy in the snow

No snow in Denmark yet, but I found some old video clips of the first time Bølle experiences snow. He is only a few months old, and so excited about the fluffy white stuff. So cute! Can’t believe it’s more than 4 years ago. I just read an article in the New York Times about new research on how we should calculate a dog’s age. It was found that dogs age quicker during the first years of their life, whereafter the aging slows down. Instead of the old way of multiplying by 7, a more accurate way is therefore to take the natural logarithm of the dog’s age and multiply by 16, and then add 31. So Bølle’s 4 dog years translates into 53 human years:)

Here’s the formula: 16 ln(dog age) + 31 = human age.

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