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Denmark: The Astronaut Popsicle

Astronaut popsicle, Danish food

The Astronaut popsicle has been around in Denmark since 1958, and it is still going strong. It has a winegum astronaut at the to of the popsicle rocket, and and when I was a kid, it was one of my favorite popsicles. Back then, finding an Astronaut popsicle with two wine gum astronauts was about as rare as finding a four-leaf clover, so when it happened, it was celebrated to the applause and envy from the other kids.

The other day, I bought a pack of Astronaut popsicle for nostalgic reasons (and well, because I love popsicles for kids), and guess how surprised I was when I found not just one, but the entire batch of Astronauts with 2-3 wine gums! WTF?!? I am now wondering whether I just hit a lucky streak or whether this is the new Astronaut normal?

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