One of the best places to take Bølle and Bella for a walk is down by the beach at Skærbæk. There are lots of things to see, smell and do, including running out on the jetties and barking at the seagulls. Bella comes so close to the edge of the jetty, I often worry that she might jump. Once, when we were out walking by a lake, she accidentally fell into the water, and she was so startled that she forgot to swim, so I had to pull her up on her leash. Bølle, on the other hand, is afraid of water, and always keep at a safe distance.
Before we went home, we went to the fishmonger to buy plaice and fiskefrikadeller (panfried Danish fishballs), and for lunch, we had Fiskefrikadeller with chunky, yellow, Danish remoulade, and for dinner, we had plaice with lemon sauce and aspargeskartofler, a special kind of potatoes I don’t know the English word for. It’s a rather simple dish, but if you use good ingredients, it tastes divine.
Today I will start packing, because tomorrow I am traveling to the Faroe Islands to visit Polle’s family for the first time in 2 years. Can’t believe that it’s been so long, and I am really looking forward to the trip 🙂