I’m finally getting into the holiday mood, and a major contributing factor has been the Swedish lussekatter I baked the other day. Lussekatter are Swedish saffron buns, which you eat during December in Sweden. Some people cheat, and replace saffron with turmeric, though while turmeric also gives the buns a nice yellow color, you’ll be missing out on the delicious saffron flavor, which is what makes the lussekatter so delicious.
I used to live in Sweden for 6 years, and when I’m baking lussekatter, it brings back lots of nice memories from student life and Sweden-style Christmas fun, including lussekatter and Blossa Glögg (Swedish mulled wine). Even if you do not have any Swedish Christmas memories to dwell on, you should still consider adding Swedish lussekatter to your holiday baking schedule. They are not savory, but they are also far from as sweet as other Christmas cookies can be, and they taste really good, served hot, straight from the oven, with mulled wine or hot chocolate.
If you are curious to try, here is my Swedish Lussekatter recipe >>
Today, we are making the rest of the Christmas cookies. I think we’ll be making Vaniljekranse (Danish vanilla biscuits) and Chokoladesnitter (chocolate cookies) which are both old favorites in my family.
The rest of December, I will be self-isolating, as I have a trip planned to the US in January, and I really don’t want to see it cancelled, because of a positive Covid-test. I am vaccinated (of course!) but the Omikron variant doesn’t seem to care too much about that, so I have decided to only see my closest family during the time until my trip.