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Kenya: Good morning from Nairobi Transit Hotel

Nairobi Transit Hotel

I visited Kenya back in 2012 and this is a post from my old blog

I arrived in Nairobi in the middle of the night after a nice flight via Bahrain with Gulf Air. Nairobi’s reputation as one of Africa’s most dangerous cities combined with a fair share of dark sideways and alleys made the ride from the airport a rather peculiar experience. When we reached the hotel, the taxi driver insisted on driving me all the way inside the big iron gate (and waited until it was firmly locked behind him) before he let me out.

Luckily, Nairobi seems a lot less scarier in daylight. The view from my room is not the most picturesque in the world, but otherwise the hotel seems ok, and most importantly; safe.

Since Safari’s shop (cell phones) in the airport was closed, when I arrived, I have to head out in Nairobi today to buy a data SIM card. I also have to buy a toothbrush since I somehow managed to forget to bring my bag with toiletries…

Nairobi Transit Hotel to the right in the photo

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