Kolding: Lunch with the Danish travel bloggers

I am a member of a Facebook group for Danish travel bloggers, but since I have not been in Denmark a lot the last decade, I have only met a few of them in real life.

When I found out that I would be in Denmark most of October, I therefore decided to reach out to the group and ask if anybody had time for a coffee or lunch. Yes! Three other bloggers had time to meet, so we decided to get together last Sunday at Tobbers Kaffebar in Kolding. Unfortunately, it turned out that Tobbers was closed on Sundays, so we went for a walk in the city and found another place, The Mokka Café, that looked cozy, and, most importantly, was open.

It was a really nice cafe and the salmon salad I had was delicious and full of all that crunchy stuff that makes you feel healthy. I also liked that the staff just let us sit around for hours without making us feel that we had to buy more food or leave. You know that kind of places that will clear the table as soon as you have put down your knife and fork and then drop the bill on the table without you even asking for it? The Mokka Café was quite the opposite, and they even let us stay a few minutes after closing time to finish our coffee.

It was really nice to meet the other bloggers IRL and I realized how much I have missed talking to somebody who knows what you mean, when the talk gets all Wordpress-geeky, or when you want to vent your blogging frustrations. I hope we can do this again soon, either in Denmark or somewhere out in the world.   

Here are the bloggers I met with:

Tine from aworldtoexplore: Tine writes about solo travel all over the world. She has been an avid traveler for many years, and she has lots of great travel advice on her blog. She is also a biologist specializing in zoophysiology, which I think is quite fantastic!

Bettina from DanishAdventurer.dk also writes about solo traveling with a focus on sustainability and local travel experiences. She has been about everywhere, and she shares some really great advice on everything from planning your trip to things to do when you have reached your destination.

Betina from Komastaj.dk: I love the name of the blog, which means “get going” in the southern Danish dialect that she speaks. Betina describes herself as a Rejsefimmel, which is also dialect and means someone, who just can get enough of traveling.

The Mokka Cafe, A L Passagen 9-13, Kolding

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