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Prinz Myshkin – A meatless meal in Munich

Prinz Myshkin, vegetarian restaurant in Munich

Hanna is trying to eat as vegan as possible, so to make it a little easier for her, I suggested that we went for dinner at the vegetarian restaurant Prinz Myshkin. To put it simple, vegetarians don’t eat dead animals, and vegans don’t eat neither dead animals nor any products derived from animals either, including eggs, cream and cheese.

Even though I understand and agree with the rationale behind, I’m still not quite there where I would consider going 100% vegetarian myself, not to mention vegan. Instead I try cutting down on meat during the week and when I’m traveling, I’m also happy to check out vegetarian places.

We had a selection of antipasti consisting of different kinds of grilled vegetables, tofu and dips. It was very delicious, but also very hearty, and I was happy that we had it to share, as it would have been too much for one person to finish.

My main course, Crespelle al Forno, were buckwheat crepes with a filling of ricotta and spinach in a delicious cream sauce, which made it very easy to forget about meat.

Hanna was also very happy with her Tofu Stroganoff with mushrooms and red wine cream sauce. The tofu was of the firm kind, and the texture was almost like meat. At very rich and filling dish. The rice and vegetables which were served on the side looked somewhat uninspiring, and in general I think there’s some room for improvement at Prinz Myshkin regarding the presentation of the food. I know it’s difficult to get tofu to look tempting and chickpeas and hummus just aren’t very sexy, but for someone like me, who also eats with my eyes, this would had taken the overall experience up a notch. Everything was really tasty though, and the portions were huge, so if you’re looking for a meatless meal in Munich, Prinz Myshkin is a very good pick.

Prinz Myshkin, Hackenstraße 2, 80331 München

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