I think I’m with Bølle as parents are with their babies, and I have to sit on my hands in order not to spam my friends with Bølle photos and Facebook updates all the time. It’s just that he’s so adorable…
When I was visiting my parents earlier this month, I was on the couch, reading a book, when Bølle came by with his half-chewed up toy and wanted to play. He usually drops it on the floor in front of me, and then start barking until I pick it up and play shake-the-soft-toy with him. Because Bølle loves to play, and who can resist those big brown Bølle-eyes and the way he tilts his head, knowing that it makes him look extra cute.
Bølle is a Danish Swedish Farmdog, but he isn’t papered, and he doesn’t have a pedigree. The breed was originally used for catching rats and mice, but Bølle’s predatory instincts aren’t very dominating. When he isn’t chasing his own tail, he’ll mostly go hunting for flies and bugs, and if we don’t include the number of soft toys he’s been tearing apart, so far, his most impressive kill is an earthworm. Bølle soon turns two years old, so he’s almost double the size as he was the first time, I wrote about him on the blog.