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Fuerteventura: Café Caveto in La Pared

Café Caveto, La Pared, Fuerteventura Blog

Just across the street from our hotel is the cutest little cafe, Café Caveto. As I mentioned before, our hotel (La Pared powered by Playitas) is in-the-middle-of-nowhere a bit remote, and now when I think about it, Café Caveto is pretty much the only café in the area, so it is fortunate, that it is such a nice place.
There are many different kinds of coffee on the menu, and you can choose between different kinds of milk including a variety of plant milk. Though there isn’t any iced coffee on the menu, which was what Sister T and I were after, but it was easily fixed with ice cubes, which turned the warm lattes into the cold drinks we were craving.

While we were sitting at our table outside, enjoying our coffee, a guy stopped by with his two dogs. They were the sweetest, most well-behaved dogs I’ve met in a long time (sorry Bella and Bølle if you’re reading this, but you’re not well-behaved), and the guy left the dogs next to our table, so we could say hi, while he was in the cafe. They were so cute, and I wish we could have stayed a little longer, just to hang out with the dogs. If you go to La Pared, make sure you stop by this charming place. If you are lucky, the dogs might be stopping by too, while you are there.

My blog about Fuerteventura – Food, restaurants, and things to do >>

Here’s a short video from the café and the dogs we met:

Advertisement: Book a hotel room in Fuerteventura >>

Café Caveto, Av. del Istmo, 17, 35627 La Pared

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