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Fuerteventura – La Pared Beach

Fuerteventura - La Pared Beach

The beach at La Pared is probably one of the most beautiful beaches in all of Fuerteventura. It is wild and untamed, with high cliffs and big waves, and it features one of the most amazing sunsets on the island. A steep rock staircase leads down to the beach, and the lower part is often wet and slippery from the waves, so you have to be careful not to fall.

A part of the beach is in a small lagoon, and only accessible during low tide, because when the tide is high, the beach gets flooded. The red flag is permanently up because of strong undercurrents, which make swimming dangerous, so bring a towel, sit down in the sand and enjoy the scenery, but stay out of the water.

Here are some of the things to think about if you are visiting the beach at La Pared

Check the tide chart before you go, and make sure to visit the beach at low tide. You can see the tide forecast for Fuerteventura here.

The stairs leading down to the beach are steep and slippery, so wear good shoes and consider ditching your sandals or flip-flops, at least for the last part of the staircase, and go barefoot, so you have a better grip and reduce the risk of slipping.

There are no changing room or toilet facilities on the beach, so make sure you change into swimwear and go to the bathroom, before you visit the beach.

Respect when the red flag is up, and stay out of the water, unless you are a surfer with a surfboard to hold on to.

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