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A weekend in Trysil: Skiing with the Norwegians

Trysil, Norway

The Norwegians were all experienced skiers, and I think they “forgot” that they also had a couple of rookies in the group, because the first slope we went for was red. Red is the second-steepest slope category, so it was bound to end in disaster. I don’t remember how many times I fell, but it was a lot. Luckily, the Norwegians were kind enough to come and help me get up again, but, hey, that’s only fair considering what they put me through.

I think I might have mentioned it before, but 16 years ago I worked one season in Geilo, which is another popular ski destination in Norway. Whenever I had some time off, I would go skiing (either downhill or cross-country), so I spent a lot of time on the slopes.  I never had any instruction, so my skiing technique was never pretty, but I was able to stay on my feet and ski without falling. I had expected that it would all come back to me again, because my body would remember how to, but as you now know, it didn’t work that way..

My friend Line was also in Trysil that weekend, so after I’ve had enough of the ordeals on the slopes, I went to meet Line and her two girls in the lobby bar at Radisson. Line will be visiting in Dubai in May, so over a cup of hot chocolate, we started planning her stay. When I was ready to head back to the crazy Norwegians, I couldn’t find my skis. They weren’t in the rack where I had left them, but fortunately I found them in another rack a little further away.

Here’s a video from our weekend in Trysil:

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