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Zurich: The Big Beef Burger at Holy Cow

Big Beef at Holy Cow, Zurich Blog

There are 3 branches of the Swiss gourmet burger chain Holy Cow and one of them was just on the way to my hotel, so it was just a matter of time, before cravings and curiosity took over, and I went inside to see what it was all about.

Holy Cow doesn’t look very gourmet, but a quick glance at the menu (and later, a visit to their website) reveals, that they’re serious about burgers. Most of the ingredients are locally sourced, and Holy Cow has a goal of purchasing at least one product from each canton in the country.

The menu was a mouthwatering collection of tempting creations such as the Yo Ginza burger with teriyaki sauce and wasabi mayo and the Viva España burger with goat cheese and chorizo. Though I wanted to see how they handled the basics, so I ordered the Big Beef, which is Holy Cow’s no-frills burger with caramelized onions, lettuce and ketchup. With so few ingredients, it’s even more important that each item is flawless, and while I would have liked to add a slice of tomato and maybe a dollop of that kind of sauce you get at ShakeShack, the Big Beef was still a very good burger.

The bouncy, light buns embracing the Swiss beef patty had both sesame seeds and poppy seeds on top, which I think was a nice little detail. As you can see in the photos, it’s a big bun, and the bun-to-other-ingredients ratio was slightly off, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed with a slice of Swiss cheese (order the Big Cheese instead of the Big Beef) or the afore mentioned tomato.

So what’s the verdict? On my personal burger hit list I’ll add Big Beef somewhere after ShakeShack’s Shack Stack and the chanterelle burger at Gordon Ramsay BurGR (which I btw don’t think they make any longer). That’s not bad at all, considering how much I love the other two.

Holy Cow, Zähringerstrasse 28, Zurich

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