Trine has a new puppy. The puppy’s name is Bella, and she is a Danish-Swedish Farmdog, just like Bølle. In the beginning, uncle Bølle wasn’t too happy about the new family member, but after a couple of days he had forgotten that he didn’t like her, and they started playing together, running around the house.
Bella chews on everything including Bølle’s tail. She also steals his bone and toys, if he doesn’t watch out. Bølle gets a lot of exercise, keeping up with Bella, because Bella only has two modes: Asleep and Super Hyper. I was trying to take some photos of her, but it was impossible to make her sit still, so I had to wait until she got tired and fell asleep.
Here are the links to my blog posts about Bølle, don’t you think Bella and Bølle look alike?