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Fort Lauderdale: Christmas Brunch at Ruth’s Chris

Ribeye steak at Ruth's Chris, Fort Lauderdale

I ended up having Christmas dinner at Ruth’s Chris, which is a chain of old school steak restaurants. I’ve previously dined at Ruth’s Chris in Dubai and Atlanta, and I’ve always been happy with the steaks, which are all USDA prime, and the service, which is always prime too.

The Ruth’s Chris’ restaurants are divided into a bar area (with a big TV showing sports) and a dining room more suitable for date-nighters. I don’t mind dining in the bar, and yesterday, I didn’t have a choice, because the restaurant was fully booked, and I came without a reservation. I had a giant ribeye steak which is one of my favorite cuts because I like the rich flavor the meat gets from the fat. It was delicious!

Dining out on holidays sometimes makes me uncomfortable, because I can’t help thinking that the staff would probably prefer to be at home with their family. Though if that was the case for the staff members at Ruth’s Chris, they hid it well, and their warm, friendly service made it easy to believe that they also had a really good time.

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