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Fort Lauderdale: Flying in Florida

Last time I was in Florida, I rented a small Cessna and went for sightseeing along Florida’s coast. I don’t have a valid certificate for small piston engine airplanes, so I went up with an instructor. It turned out to be a really good idea, because then I had my hands free for taking photos and videos of the beautiful flight.

We started out flying along the coastline parallel to Las Olas Boulevard, and I spotted the Ritz-Carlton, where I stayed the last time I was in Fort Lauderdale. Then we flew down to Miami and saw Fisher Island and South Beach. I have only been to Miami twice, and both times were very short visits, but it is a city that I would love to know better. The combination of beach life and big city sounds just perfect to me, plus they have Joe’s Stone Crab, which, in addition to stone crab, makes the most delicious Key Lime Pie.  

We flew all the way down to the northern Florida Keys before it was time to turn around and fly back to Fort Lauderdale. I really like Florida Wouldn’t mind living in Fort Lauderdale when I get old and retire, so I could go flying and enjoy the view every day. .

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