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Fort Lauderdale: Scoobies at Coconuts

Scoobies at Coconuts, Fort Lauderdale

I was on my way to another restaurant that I had found online, but the Uber driver mentioned that Coconuts was the place everybody was talking about these days..just sayin’…! Quick change of plans, take me to Coconuts instead!

I arrived just before the lunch rush, so I could choose whichever table I wanted. I picked one right next to the water, and the staff told us how people were busy moving the smaller boats to make room for the bigger boats which would be on display for the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show the following week. Those “smaller boats” were actually double- and triple-deck yachts!

Back to Coconuts and my delicious lunch. An enthusiastic waiter suggested that I started off with some Scoobies, which is a Coconuts’ specialty consisting of blue crab fried in oil with lots and lots of garlic. For our mains, I had fish tacos and a coconut shrimp platter. It was all delicious, but if I go back to Coconuts, I think I would just order 3 bowls of Scoobies instead, because those were amazing. I only rarely eat blue crab because there’s so much shell and so little crab meat, and I just don’t think they’re worth the effort, but the Scoobies are served with most of the shell removed, like crab claw lollipops. Easy to eat and so tasty it hurts.

Coconuts, 429 Seabreeze Blvd., Fort Lauderdale

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