In Singapore, I also visited the Flower Dome, which is a giant conservatory at Gardens by the Bay. The Flower Dome wasn’t on my initial itinerary, but was raining outside, and I had a couple of hours to kill, so I decided to go. The flowers were beautiful, and walking through the Flower Dome was a very pleasant, almost surreal, experience.
On a platform, one stair up, was a collection of baobab trees of all shapes and sizes. Some of them almost looked human and I wondered whether I should shake hands or give them a high-five and introduce myself. Oh, and I also saw some really feisty-looking cactuses looking like they were ready to attack, any moment.
What impressed me the most was how they manage to keep all those flowers alive. When I think of how I struggled to save the plant in my living room (it passed away a couple of weeks ago, I’m still mourning), I’m even more amazed by the Flower Dome.
Read more about the Flower Dome on Gardens by the Bay’s website