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Las Vegas: Pre-clubbing dinner at Andrea’s (CLOSED)

Andrea's at Wynn, Las Vegas

Update: Andrea’s is now closed.

I was really excited to finally get to dine at Andrea’s as this place has been one of the most hyped spots in Las Vegas for more than a year. Unfortunately, the Fireball shots the night before had taken their toll on me, and I wasn’t very hungry, so all I had were edamame beans and a Thai soup.

The soup was decent, but they’ve added too much fish sauce and sugar, so it was a little too sweet in a very fishy kind of way. Though, it would be unfair to judge a restaurant based on a soup, so I asked the others how their food was. They had steak, sushi and different kinds of sides and starters including sashimi, beef sliders and ramen fries, and everybody was happy about what they had, but not blown away.

I would still recommend dining at Andrea’s anytime, as it is a perfect spot to warm up for a night out at one of the clubs at Encore or Wynn. People are dressed up, the music is groovy, and the lights so dim that you don’t have to worry too much about whether you’ve hit the right foundation shade, or whether you have something in your teeth. Let the party begin!

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