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Las Vegas: The Chandelier at The Cosmopolitan

The Chandelier - Las Vegas

The Chandelier is one of the best and most beautiful cocktail bars in Las Vegas. The 3-storey bar looks like a giant chandelier, and even though Chandelier is basically just a lobby bar, the numerous strands of crystal beads makes Chandelier appear a lot more upscale.

The lower floor of the bar is vibrant and groovy. There’s a DJ and the crowd tend to spill out on the surrounding casino floor. I prefer the less packed upper floors, where it’s usually easier to find a place to sit and the bartenders are less busy. The Chandelier is open 24/7 and the location right next to Marquee, which is one of the most hyped nightclubs in Las Vegas, makes it an obvious place to start (and end) a night out.

The cocktail menu is focused and exquisite, but the most popular cocktail at Chandelier, The Verbena, isn’t on the menu anymore. Though it doesn’t mean that you can’t order it, just ask for it.

The Verbena is served with a Szechuan Button (a dried flower) on top, and before you start drinking, you chew the flower. The flower contains a substance which super-charge your taste buds so each sip of the drink feels like a tingling mini-explosion in your mouth. Not to be missed!

•  Most cocktails are around $14, which might sound a bit pricey for a lobby bar, but they’re all carefully crafted and definitely worth the price.

Chandelier is best for: Great cocktails in chic surroundings, after-dinnner or pre-clubbing drinks

> Read my blog post about The Verbena

The Chandelier, The Cosmopolitan, 3708 Las Vegas Blvd S, Tel: (702)-698-7000, Hours: Open 24/7
>Visit Chandelier’s website

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