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Las Vegas: Ants and Clouds at China Poblano

Ants Climbing A Tree at China Poblano, Las Vegas

It’s no secret that I’ve always been a fan of China Poblano and their irresistible mix of all the best from Mexico and China. I have previously blogged about the Mexican part of the menu, but the Chinese food is also really good. The dim sum is a safe bet, but the noodle dishes is where China Poblano really shines.

I had Ants Climbing a Tree, which is glass noodles tossed in a delicious sauce, sprinkled with sesame seeds and mixed with bok choi, chicken and fresh pea shots. If you’re hooked on the slippery, chewy glass noodle texture, you will most certainly like this one. The name of the dish sounds like the result of a marketing brainstorming meeting, but it’s actually the real name of the dish (translated to English), which is from the Sichuan area in China. The same goes for the Hong Kong-style wonton soup Swallow a Cloud, which Trine had (in Cantonese, wonton means something like “swallowing clouds”). The wonton soup was hot and comforting, the kind of dish you would want to eat when it is cold and rainy outside. Now it is rarely cold and rainy in Las Vegas, but I can assure you that this soup also works wonders after a night out, just ask Trine:)

China Poblano, The Cosmopolitan, 3708 Las Vegas Blvd S., Las Vegas, NV 89109, Tlf: +1 (702)-698-7900

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