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Las Vegas: XS without Zedd

XS, Las Vegas nightclub

I didn’t plan to go clubbing in Las Vegas but then I met two really nice girls my age, who were also traveling solo and Friday night, we decided to go and see  Zedd at XS. Don’t know who Zedd is? H’s a really famous DJ and probably best known for “Clarity,” which was a huge hit a couple of years ago.

I can’t dance and I’m usually feeling too old for clubbing, but in Vegas, I’ll make an exception. On weekends, a lot of big names perform in the clubs and being female entitles you to go to these great gigs for free. Yes, you heard me right! In Vegas, ladies don’t pay cover charge, at least not if you go through a promoter. Sometimes you also get drink tickets or open bar, but in return you are required to be at the club rather early (usually before midnight).

The downside is that the artists usually don’t show up until around 2am, so you have to keep the party going until then. As we met up for dinner and margaritas at 8pm, it was a lot of hours spent in heels and around 1am, my feet started to hurt and my right eye had gone all red, so I decided to call it a night and went back home without seeing Zedd. Am I getting old?

XS is one of my favorite clubs in Las Vegas. It’s a gorgeous place, so even if you aren’t into clubbing, I think you would like it. The club is divided into an indoor section, which is where the dance floor is, and an outdoor section with a more relaxed atmosphere. There’s a big pool area outside, so if your feet start to hurt after all that dancing, take off your shoes and step into the turquoise water. Even without a table reservation, it’s usually not a problem to find a place to sit down or hang around.

There are frequent guest performances by famous DJs, so remember to check the schedule on XS’s website before deciding when to go.

Industry Night is on Monday, but even on weekends, ladies can usually get in for free before midnight, if you go through a promoter.

What to wear? People at XS dress up like they mean it. I would wear a dress and high heels.

Read my guide to how it works with promoters and Industry Nights in Las Vegas

XS, Wynn/Encore, 3131 Las Vegas Blvd S., Las Vegas, NV 89109, Tel: +1 (702) -770-0097

>Visit XS’s website

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