July 4th, I was in Las Vegas. This was my first time to celebrate Independence Day in the US, and I was surprised to see how huge this day is and how massive it’s being celebrated. I had a feeling it would be big, already before I went, as the hotel rates skyrocketed weeks in advance, but it wasn’t until I was there, I understood the true dimensions. Vegas was packed!
Denmark is one of the oldest countries in the world, which is probably the reason why we don’t have a National Day in Denmark (nobody remember how it started). The closest we get is probably Grundlovsdag (Constitution Day), which coincide with Father’s Day and is therefore more or less neglected.
On the 4th of July, I was busy checking out burger restaurants on The Strip during the day, but I agreed to meet with new friend J for pizza at Sirrico’s in New York New York late in the evening.
My sister Trine and I stayed in New York New York a couple of years ago, and a slice at Sirrico’s was a part of our late night routine, while we were there as the pizza was fabulous and they were open until 3am (4am on weekends). Though the slices new friend J and I had this time weren’t quite as great, as I remembered them to be. Maybe it’s just because pizza tastes better after midnight?
I know it’s embarrassing, but somehow we managed to miss the fireworks. We heard some loud sounds, but we thought it was from the roller coaster running around the casino, so while everybody else was out, staring at the sky, we were eating pizza and drinking beer:)
Later that evening, we went to Light, which is the nightclub at Mandalay Bay >>