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Bangkok: Long Table and Salty Soi Dogs

Long Table - Bangkok

Sky Bar at Lebua State Tower may have Bangkok’s best views, but when it comes to atmosphere and classy interior, I prefer sipping my Mai Tais at Long Table in Column Tower. Long Table is located on the 25th floor and you walk through a futuristic red and black corridor to get to the bar and dining area.

The cocktails at Long Table are big and strong, and over time, I have developed a fondness for their Salty Soi Dog with Vanilla Vodka, grapefruit, pomelo and lime juice. One of the small but important details that make me love Long Table a little bit more is that you get a bowl of nuts along with your drink.

Of course it would be a shame to mess up those nice surroundings with flip flop wearing tourists, so there’s a dress code stating that flip flops and Birkenstocks and, for some reason, tube tops, are not allowed.

As a matter of fact, I haven’t met a lot of other tourists, when I’ve visited Long Table. Instead, the clientele consists mainly of locals and expats, so I’m always a bit embarrassed to pull out my camera and start shooting.

Even though Long Table is “only” on the 25th floor, you still have a really nice view, which is best enjoyed from the outside, open terrace. Furthermore, what the bar might lack in terms of high floor location, it compensates for, when it comes to tasty cocktails and trendy, urban atmosphere.

Long Table also has a restaurant, where you can book a seat along the huge, 25 m long table. I have not tried dining there yet, but if the food is just half as good as the drinks, I’m sure I’ll not be disappointed.

As for most other sky bars in Bangkok, it is recommended to dress up if you want to blend in with the other guests, which on a typical evening is a mix of more well off locals, expats and tourists. Though, my impression is that the tourist ratio is a bit smaller than at the other, more famous sky bars in Bangkok.

Another nice rooftop bar I have tried in Bangkok is Octave at Marriott. Read my blog post about Octave here

Long Table, 25th floor, 48 Column bldg., Sukhumvit Soi 16, Tel: +66 (0) 2-3022557-9, Nearest BTS: Asok

>Visit Long Table’s website

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