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Los Angeles: Silver Lake Reservoir

Silver Lake Reservoir, Los Angeles

Saturday morning I went to Silver Lake for a run around the Silver Lake Reservoir, but on my way I changed my mind and decided to go for a walk instead. From what I had read online, the area around Silver Lake Reservoir is supposed to be this gorgeous green haven, so I couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed, when I arrived.

There was a big fence around the reservoir, which was probably there to keep people from contaminating the water or take a swim, and while it is completely understandable that such measurements are needed, it didn’t look very nice.

At the southern part of the lake, there are two parks: One for humans and one for dogs (and their humans). The dog park seemed really busy, while the human park was almost empty, but I’m sure it would be a nice spot to go and relax or walk on your tightrope (yes, I saw a tightrope walker, when I was there), if you live nearby.

If you’re a tourist like me, you probably wouldn’t find the Silver Lake Reservoir very exciting, unless you’re looking for some exercise, as the running track was really nice.

There are no restaurants or cafes right next to the lake, but I found a food truck serving freshly squeezed juice, which I had for breakfast, and if you take a short walk further down  Silver Lake Blvd, there are a couple of nice restaurants and cafes including the popular L&E Oyster Bar.

The Silver Lake neighborhood is very up-and-coming and it’s known to be a playground for creative souls. Judging from the restaurants I saw when visiting (especially the ones around Sunset Blvd), Silver Lake is also gradually becoming a foodie hotspot.

From what I’ve heard, the Silver Lake Reservoir will not be a drinking water reservoir anymore in the near future, and there are thus plans to tear down the fence and make the area more park-like, but until then, I would skip the reservoir and head straight for the restaurants instead.

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